Monday, July 21, 2008

She Whipped Out Her Moleskin

i was at the ____ bar and it was one of those moods of not wanting to connect with people...the DJ was kicking out the jams, nick cave, tom waits, holy shit, i wasn't moving from the bar stool and this girl came up to me and said, i want to show you something.

i said okay.

she pulled out a moleskin notepad (+10 points), and showed me my business card (+2 points for keeping it in her moleskin notepad). i couldn't remember who she was, then we started talking about writing and writer's groups and she asked about my novel and we got on the subject of suicide and how we both have been to that dark place, but couldn't ever carry it out b/c too many people would be hurt...and she's had suicides in her life also (+25 points for mutual tragedy).

then she cleaned my glasses for me because she said they were dirty. she was right, and more beautiful when i could see her clearly.

it's amazing how dirty glasses can get, but when i wear them i don't notice because they get progressively dirty.

i know there's an analogy to relationships there.

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